We are private kind of family type kindergarten for children from 12 months with capacity of maximum 12 children in each department.
In a department called Čiperky are children from the age of 12-30 months, the older and more independent children are in a department called Šikulky.
We are located in a part of Brno called Žabovřesky on the street Královopolská in a newly renovated house number 10. Kindergarten is assimilated to the needs of your children and fulfils hygienic prescriptions.
Thanks to the location in which the kindergarten is located in, is a great advantage of transport accessibility. We also use adjacent garden for children’s needs.
Regarding to our staff, equipment and premises, we fulfil all legal requirements for the operation of this type of equipment.
It is important for us to approach the children individually. We teach them basic hygiene, getting dressed, we help them to adapt in the collective and the smallest ones we teach to get rid of diapers.
To develop the child’s versatility, we run some hobby groups such as: games with songs, English for the smallest, creative workshops, exercising for health.
Our goal is to create a pleasant family environment where healthy and self-confident children will grow. We will support their development in cooperation with you as parents.
Come to visit us, we are looking forward to meet you and your children!